Helpful Links:
We'd love to know if you have joined us online during our services. We also want to be ready for when our doors are open to connect with you face to face and help you get connected to our community! Help us out by filling out the form so we can be ready to hit the ground running!
Just because we're not in the same room doesn't mean that we can't still pray together. We want to help you continue to send in your prayer requests. You can do this digitally! Simply fill out the form and we'll receive it. We'll pass it along if you'd like, or keep it confidentially if you prefer.
We say that we want to be a "beacon of hope on the shores of Lake Huron." We wouldn't be following through with that if we didn't practice what we preached.
So, that being said: we want to help! If you are someone in need of help, please don't be ashamed. Reach out to us. We're eager to help! Or if you know of someone in need, simply fill out the form FOR them. |
A word from BIC:
Dear Church!
All of you are very aware of the current pandemic situation related to the COVID-19 virus and the efforts being made across our country to reduce the spread and respond medically to those who have fallen ill. We appreciate all of our health care and essential services professionals who are on the front lines of this effort, as well as the leadership being given by our government. We also appreciate all of you who minister daily to people giving strong leadership to our local churches through this time. We have never really seen anything like this before, and so we must find our way listening to the Lord and trusted advisors as we go.
While some of our churches did meet live last Sunday, the majority cancelled live services and provided online options. The feedback has been very encouraging. We will get better at this as we get more chance to practice. Our communities are watching our faith in action as we respond during this time.
As a result of the latest advice we have been given, we are requesting all of our churches to refrain from holding public gatherings of any kind through to April 5th.
We will continue to monitor the situation and advise if this date will need to be extended. Included in this request is mid-week programming, youth group meetings, small groups, and Board/staff meetings.
We encourage you to meet using virtual platforms for meetings like Zoom, SKYPE, Facebook Live, or Google Hangouts. Of course, you can always pick up the phone as well. In your communication to your people, please remind them as well about the ways to give to the work of the church through this time using available online means. You may also want to arrange places for them to drop off donations if they use cheques and don’t like to give online.
Finally - let’s remember that we can still be the hands and feet of Jesus in this time, as we find creative ways to bless our neighbours. We serve a God who helps us in times of trouble to overcome our fears. This is an important message to share with the world as we move toward Easter. Let’s ask God to help us get creative in our response, growing our hearts in compassion.